SEO Tools

February 12, 2010 Leave a comment

Hello all,
for you and your colleagues all,
There’s good news in one web site I visit (
especially for those of you who are trying to improve the rating of the web site
or your blog,
then you do not bother to waste a lot of energy and also costs.
You simply visit (
and you will find a solution for increasing ratings tepa your web site.
and there just is not enough,
They also provide a professional staff ready to help
and provide a solution for you.
1. SEO Consulting
2. Natural Search Engine Optimazation
3. Pay Per Click Management
4. Keyword Analysis
5. Link Building Service
6. Code Optimazation
7. Content Writing
8. Monitoring and Reporting
9. SEO Tools

Categories: SEO Tags: ,

insulated lunch tote

November 2, 2009 Leave a comment

if you ever confused as to bring your toddler equipment?, if yes!, I suggest you try using a product that the offer below, the material is very good and also not easily get wet if it rains the water. so many colors, red, yellow, green, and of course your kids will love. try it

mat to sleep on this one so I suggest to your children, especially infants and young children. very good material, consisting of cotton and nylon, and accessories are very interesting. and very easy to under go everywhere, and are also suitable for use in kindergarten. you must be very lucky to reply to buy this product . And one more product to place your child’s lunch, do not miss this product, because it is very good and worth your child and your child will be in pampering when using this product, because of this product in accordance with the progress style.Dan you will not feel embarrassed to take her to public places. try it

Categories: Uncategorized

Make your tech world complete with the WiFi Detection Cap

September 5, 2009 2 comments
Aug 26, 2009

Do you want to find out whether or not there is a Wifi signal in your whereabouts? You would possibly be amazed if you knew that this is possible thanks to a regular looking baseball cap. Called the WiFi Detection cap, this high tech gadget operates to detect the Wifi signal that might be a really convenient feature when outdoors.

The WiFi Detection cap has a Wi-Fi signal symbol just in front of the baseball cap and comes equipped with batteries so be ready to check the strength of such a signal. This nice looking baseball cap comes in black color and is able to detect the WiFi strength of up to 802, 11 b/g. This masterfully made cap is quite affordable with a sticker price tag of only 15 USD.

This hybrid cap also features a glowing screen that displays the strength of WiFi signal in a chosen area. Additionally, this outstanding cap is suitable for all head sizes so be sure to stay almost connected with the world thanks to this ground breaking super cap.

Categories: News Tags:

BMW Vision EfficientDynamics to appear on the high tech horizon

September 4, 2009 Leave a comment
Today is a lucky day for all BMW admirers as you can look at a brand-new model of BMW. Called BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics, this transparent replica appears to be a turbo diesel / plug-in hybrid. Scheduled to be showcased at the Frankfurt show in a few weeks to come, this splendiferous car is able to catapult from 0 to 62 miles per hour in staggering 4, 8 seconds so be ready for stylish high speed driving.

This mind boggling concept car runs on 1, 5 liter turbo diesel engine while producing as much as 163 horse power. Its marvelous hybrid drive system allows simple plugging into a conventional European 220 V power point with a battery making your driving possible for 2, 5 hours while the total drive system’s output equals to 356 horse power with a torque of 590 lb-ft.

The BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics concept car is touted to be able to drive around 31 miles when driven in all-electric mode while its 6, 6 gallon fuel tank boasts a range of 400 miles. The electrical power consumption is 26, 16 kWh per 100 miles. This groundbreaking super car features all-aluminum chassis as well as suspension. LED lighting allows additional power consumption.

The power train of the concept car offers a top speed of up to 155 miles per hour however the super car is able to exceed this speed limit. When the battery is recharged, the electric mode will produce the CO2 level of up to 50 grams per kilometer. The BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics concept car seems to be light weight to show high level aerodynamic performance.

The driver of this innovative marvel will be welcomed by changing gears with no power interruption at all. Another noticeable feature includes its lambo doors while its electric engine may operate as a generator and power the battery like when the driver applies the brakes. In order to charge this aggressive monster it will take a period of 2 and half an hour at maximum while most productive 380 Volts and 32 Amps power point reduces the charge time to be as least as 44 minutes.

The high tech tires of the BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics measure 195 / 55 with nice looking 21 inches wheels offering a perfect road grip while the roof with external doors’ skin are constructed from polycarbonate. This miraculous concept car measures 181, 1 inches in length, 74, 8 inches in width and 48, 8 in height and is comfortably suitable for 4 persons while the luggage capacity of 5, 3 cu feet.

The curb weight of this daredevil replica is 3 076 lb while keeping the gravity center low. Speaking about the power to weight ratio, the BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics concept car boasts a high performance being at the same level as regular combustion engine sport cars feature.

Categories: News

cara gampang cari backlink

September 3, 2009 2 comments

Sebagus apapun situs Anda, tanpa backlink (atau ada yg menyebutnya link back) ia bagaikan sebuah rumah kecil di tengah danau luas yg berisi ikan2 piranha ganas. Mungkin ilustrasinya terlalu berlebihan, tapi intinya, backlink bagaikan jalan yg menghubungkan situs Anda dengan pengguna internet. Tanpa backlink, jangankan pengunjung, crawler mesin pencari, yg bisa Anda bayangkan sebagai angkot, juga gak mungkin mampir.
Berpindah dari rumah terpencil, sekarang bayangkan sebuah pusat perbelanjaan yg besar, megah, dan banyak dikunjungi orang. Tempat2 seperti itu pasti memiliki fasilitas transportasi yg memadai, termasuk banyaknya jalan alternatif menuju lokasi. Gak mungkin kan ada developer yg membangun sebuah mall di tempat yg susah diakses? Nah, jika kembali pada analogi backlink di awal, maka agar situs kita ramai dikunjungi orang, kita harus punya banyak backlink. Selain itu, semakin banyak backlink, semakin populer lah situs kita (ingat PageRank milik Google).
Lalu bagaimana cara menciptakan backlink?
Untuk mereka yg sudah mempunyai banyak situs tentunya bukan hal yg sulit. Cukup beri tautan ke situs yg diinginkan dari situs2 yg lain. Beres.
Cara lain adalah dengan membeli atau menyewa link dari situs lain. Menggunakan Text-Link-Ads (ref) atau AdBrite (ref) misalnya. Tentu saja, cara ini butuh dana yg tidak sedikit. Tapi biasanya, hasil yg diperoleh sebanding dengan biaya yg dikeluarkan.
Di sisi lain, cara yg lebih ekonomis adalah bertukar link (istilah kerennya: link exchange) dengan situs milik teman kita. Sukur2 kalo punya banyak teman yg mau berbaik hati untuk bertukar tautan. Hanya jangan lupa, usahakan untuk bertukar dengan situs2 yg bertopik sejenis dengan situs Anda.
Nah, bagaimana jika Anda termasuk golongan yg (a) baru punya satu atau sedikit situs web; (b) tidak punya dana untuk membeli atau menyewa link; dan (c) tidak punya teman untuk bertukar link ?
Solusi yg paling baik adalah memanfaatkan layanan link exchange dari pihak ketiga. Banyak situs2 di internet yg menawarkan jasa link exchange ini secara gratis, tapi yg harus diperhatikan, tidak semuanya efektif dalam memberikan backlink. Bahkan, terus terang dulu saya tidak mempercayai satu pun layanan2 tersebut, sampai akhirnya sejak beberapa waktu lalu mencoba sendiri dan menikmati hasilnya.
Salah satu layanan link exchange yg telah terbukti berhasil mendatangkan backlink adalah Co-Op Advertising Network milik DigitalPoint. Secara singkat, konsepnya adalah kita mendapat 1 poin untuk setiap satu link (milik member lain) yg ditampilkan di situs kita. Semakin banyak link yg tampil, dan semakin sering link tersebut ditampilkan, semakin banyak pula poin yg kita peroleh. Nah poin ini merupakan jatah berapa kali link situs kita ditampilkan di situs member lain.
Berikut ini langkah2 untuk bergabung dan menggunakan jasa tersebut.
Masuk ke situs Co-Op Advertising Network (ref) dan buatlah account di sana.
Masukkan data situs yg ingin Anda beri backlink dan klik Submit. Perhatikan contohnya pada gambar di bawah ini:

Klik menu Setup Instruction dan ubah nilai pada form menjadi seperti pada gambar berikut.

Pada kolom Separated Ads With, ubah
menjadi & nbsp;& nbsp;|& nbsp;& nbsp; (hapus spasinya) jika ingin menampilkan daftar link secara horisontal.
Selanjutnya, ikuti instruksi2 yg diberikan, termasuk untuk membuat file di server dan menambahkan kode Link Exchange ke dalam situs kita.
Jika sudah, tekan tombol Back untuk kembali ke halaman utama Co-Op Advertising Network. Lihat bagian bawah. Pada tabel, klik pilihan Enable pada kolom situs Anda.
Jika di bagian atas ada link untuk melakukan validate, tekan juga link tersebut untuk mem-validasi dan mengaktifkan account Anda.
Selesai :)
Langkah2 di atas mungkin agak membingungkan apabila hanya dibaca. Saran saya, bacalah sembari mencobanya langsung.
Salah satu situs saya, dengan menggunakan layanan ini selama seminggu, telah berhasil mengumpulkan backlink sebanyak 8000 buah! Cukup efektif dan praktis kan? :)
Layanan link exchange lain yg telah terbukti hasilnya:
ReceiveLinks (ref)
Selamat mencoba :)
(1) Gambar diambil dari
(2) Gara2 nulis artikel ini jadi dapet ide untuk nulis artikel Istilah2 SEO, hehehehe.
Artikel ini ditulis oleh Cosa Aranda dan pertama kali dipublikasikan pada tanggal 31 January 2007. Artikel bebas untuk didistribusikan ulang untuk keperluan non-komersil selama mencantumkan nama penulis dan sumber artikel serta tidak merubah separuh atau seluruh bagian dari isi.

tulisan menarik lainnya

Categories: SEO

List of Blog Indonesian “Do Follow”

September 2, 2009 Leave a comment
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DRM: Here Today, (Hopefully) Gone Tomorrow?

August 31, 2009 Leave a comment

pullquoteIt’s your birthday. Someone gives you a DVD of your favorite movie. In anticipation of a long train ride you’re going to be taking soon, you decide to make a copy of the DVD that you can download to your MP4 digital media player.

You pop the DVD in your desktop computer. But it doesn’t work. The DVD plays on your DVD player and on your computer.

Welcome to the world of DRM, one of the most contentious issues in the digital world today. Say you don’t know what DRM is? Read on.

What is DRM?

DRM is short for Digital Rights Management (although some say it means Digital Restrictions Management). It’s a set of technologies that’s restricts how you can use digital content like music, video, and software. DRM is designed to stop or limit you from copying, converting, or accessing digital media.

DRM can block you from viewing something like an ebook on a device other than your ebook reader. It can stop you from ripping a CD or converting an audio file from one format to another. Or, it can prevent you from installing software (like games) on multiple computers.

cdLockHow it works is fairly simple. DRM applies encryption, in the form of a digital signature, to a file or a piece of software. The signature is like a unique stamp, telling the hardware or operating system software that whether or not it’s OK for them to play together.

If the device or operating system on your desktop computer or laptop computer doesn’t mesh with the digital signature of the file, then the file will be useless to you or you won’t be able to install the software. Often, DRM is tied to one piece of hardware. If, for example, you have an MP3 file with DRM applied to it, that file might only play on one computer or MP3 player.

There are, and have been, a number of DRM schemes. Some of the more widely-used ones are Windows Media DRM and Apple’s FairPlay. You can read more about some of the better-known DRM schemes here.

Examples of DRM

As mentioned a few paragraphs ago, DRM can be applied to any digital file. Like what? How about an electronic book. Most ebook readers and reader software for computers have a unique ID. Some ebook sellers require you to register the IDs of those devices when you buy an ebook. A digital signature is applied to the ebook before you download it, and you can only read the ebook on those devices.

With digital television, many transmissions have a form of DRM called a broadcast flag applied to them. The broadcast flag indicates whether or not you can record the digital transmission and, if you can, what restrictions there are on recording it.

Microsoft Office (2003 and later) allows business users to apply DRM to word processor and spreadsheet files. If the business is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003, all that Office users need to do is click a toolbar icon to restrict permissions on a file. If anyone wants to read the file, they’ll need to get the author’s permission and get an add-on for Internet Explorer.

Why use DRM?

Napster logoThe folks who advocate DRM, like record companies and publishers, do so to enforce copyright and to protect their revenue. I’m sure that everyone remembers Napster. It was a file sharing service, one that really opened a huge can of worms as far as DRM and copyright went by allowing people to share digital music over the Internet.

The musicians and, especially, the record companies complained that they weren’t getting royalties for this. It wasn’t a new problem, just a new twist on an old one. Instead of people trading cassette tapes and burned CDs with family and friends, file sharing services like Napster enabled them to exchange huge numbers of files with strangers from around the world.

It’s a matter of trust

The content providers that advocate and use DRM technologies will tell you that they’re protecting their interests. They argue that every book, movie, or MP3 that’s copied is one less book, movie, or MP3 that they can sell.

DRM restrictions, though, treat consumers like potential thieves. That’s not a healthy relationship, and overlooks the value of viral marketing. Case in point: last year, a friend passed me a couple of MP3 files by a musician named Zoe Keating. I loaded the MP3s on my media player, and listened to the music while commuting. I was so impressed that I went out and bought another of Keating’s albums. If the MP3 files that my friend passed my way had DRM applied to them, then I might not have ever heard Zoe Keating or bought one of her discs.

A number of writers and other artists are against DRM. One of the most vocal opponents of DRM is author and blogger Cory Doctorow.Whenever one of Doctorow’s books is published, he makes it available for download (for free) from his Web site. All with the permission of his publisher. While some people mock Doctorow for doing this, he claims that doing this actually increases the sales of his books.

batmanAnother proponent of a world without DRM is author and comic writer Neil Gaiman. He’s all for people sharing electronic copies of his work. Why? Gaiman likens it to people lending their friends a book or a CD. It exposes those friends to a new artist, and often spurs them to buy another of the artist’s work.

Even a once staunch supporter of DRM, the band Metallica, has begun to change its tune (so to speak). In 2008, the band made DRM-free music available on its Web site.

Dealing with DRM

That’s definitely a contentious issue. Much like DRM itself. Many consumers don’t care whether their music or movies or software has DRM applied to it. As long as they can watch, listen, and use everything is fine.

That said, there’s a growing anti-DRM movement. More and more people are speaking out against DRM, and working against it with their wallets.

So, what are your options? You can accept DRM. Or, you can choose to not buy movies, music, and software that has DRM applied to it. Both the Apple iTunes Store and offer DRM-free downloads of thousands of songs. (Amazon, though, is bi-polar in this regard: ebooks for the Kindle are locked down with a form of DRM.). Or, you can turn off formats that support DRM altogether, and go with Open Source formats like Ogg Theora and Ogg Vorbis.

Categories: News

Glary Undelete – bring back files from the digital grave

August 31, 2009 Leave a comment

I like Glary’s other apps, so it’s a good bet that this one works well also. From the website:

“Glary Undelete is a free and easy-to-use yet powerful file undelete solution for FAT and NTFS file systems. It will bring back files emptied from the Recycle Bin, in a DOS window, from Windows Explorer with the SHIFT key held down. It will even recover files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!

Glary Undelete works under Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista operating systems. The program supports all Windows file systems for hard and floppy drives including FAT12/16/32,NTFS/NTFS5 and image recovery from CompactFlash, SmartMedia, MultiMedia and Secure Digital cards.”

Get Glary Undelete

Categories: Software – The easiest 24-hr file host with no size caps there is

August 31, 2009 Leave a comment

Have a large file you need to share with others for a limited time? Like say, 24 hours? Don’t have time to mess with complications and bells and whistles? Then try With integrated, you can upload your file of any size, grab your link, tell your comrades, and they can grab the file for 24 hours. What could be simpler than that?

Go to

Categories: News

Microsoft Introduces Windows 7 Starter Edition

August 31, 2009 Leave a comment

As Microsoft Windows 7 nears final release, there is a growing consensus among reviewers and industry pundits that the new operating system will correct many of mistakes the company made with Windows Vista. The beta version has already received solid reviews, and even staunch Microsoft critics are conceding that 7 is a big step in the right direction. But ironically, the recent release of Windows 7 “Starter Edition” could actually threaten the viability of the fulloperating system when it is finally released.

windows 7The Starter Edition, because of its smaller footprint, is ideal for small laptops and netbooks, and may find a huge market among students and frequent travelers. In fact, netbooks are expected to grow in popularity significantly over the next several years. Their small size and easy Web access make them ideal for cash-strapped students on the go, especially during tough economic times.

And because Windows 7 Starter Edition is designed to run easily on netbooks, Microsoft could end up undercutting the viability of their own product by its release. According to, Microsoft has yet to demonstrate that the full Windows 7 operating system will run seamlessly on the smaller netbooks, so the Starter Edition could be the only choice for many students and even business travelers using netbooks.

Officially, Microsoft is saying that Starter Edition users will be able to upgrade (for a fee of course) to the full Windows 7 OS; however, how well the full program will run on smaller netbooks is still a matter of some speculation. The end result may be that netbook users can either choose Windows 7 Starter Edition and maintain performance, or upgrade to the full operating system and sacrifice speed and performance. Not much of a choice really, is it?

This quandary has caused some in the industry to speculate that Microsoft may have, once again, “outflanked themselves” by creating their own toughest competitor. Of course, the Starter Edition lacks many of the features of the full Windows 7 operating system; but it covers the basics, and with the increasing popularity of web-based software programs, it seems less important than ever these days that an operating system offers lots of bells and whistles. Once you are online, you can access any number ofweb-based programs anyway, so what is the point in having a bloated operating system?

If current trends hold, netbooks will continue to gain ground against traditional laptop and desktop computers over the next few years. This could result in Microsoft selling fewer copies of its full Windows 7 operating system, and a lot more of the (cheaper) Starter Edition.

Categories: Software